Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Role Of Risk Management On The Homeland Security...

Introduction After the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States, a series of risk management evaluations were created by the US Federal Government to assess the future risks the homeland was going to face. When the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was officially created in 2002, more effective risk management assessments were re-designed to evaluate the past and present dangers, prevent them and respond successfully to more terrorist attacks. Since 2001 until 2007, a development of risk assessment has been divided in phases to be able to reach a better formula that would analyze the risk within the homeland security and provide the appropriate fund to homeland security enterprise. The Beginning The risk management plays an important role within the Homeland Security enterprise, because can help to organize the tasks and prepare better each organization to respond effectively in the event of terrorist attack or natural disaster (CRS 2007). Since the 9/11 terror attacks, preparation and response to terrorist attacks has changed thanks to the federal government’s attitude to distributing funds to states and local governments (CRS 2007). To better comprehend the current approach to each phase of the grant program development, it’s important to understand its origin (CRS 2007). While the nation was begin to understand the importance of homeland security, the development of the grant program and the risk management methodologies was happening at the same time (CRSShow MoreRelatedRole Of Risk Management Within The Homeland Security Enterprise1271 Words   |  6 Pagesof the Department of Homeland Security to effectively manage risk is vital to nationa l security. Risk in general, is something that is permanent but because this is known, strategies can be used to mitigate situations as they present themselves. Government managers must manage risk in a complex environment taking into consideration the diverse missions and multiple objectives of public agencies (Hardy, 2014). The role of risk management within the homeland security enterprise was managed by best andRead MoreWhat Role Does Risk Management Play Within The Homeland Security Enterprise?1186 Words   |  5 PagesWhat role does risk management play within the homeland security enterprise? To answer that question we first have to examine what risk management is. Risk management is an anaclitic approach to figuring out the likelihood that an event will impact a specific assets, person, or function and then implementing steps to mitigate the impact or consequence of the event. (Decker, 2001) The Standard risk management formula that the Department of Homeland Security u ses is R=T*V*C or Risk = Threat * VulnerabilityRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1336 Words   |  6 PagesThe Homeland Security enterprise is tasked with protecting our country from all threats to include threats that have not yet revealed themselves. There’s a few methods used to identify these threats, but I’m going to cover just one of those methods in particularly. To better explain the role of risk management, first I’ll break down the steps of risk management and explain each one individually. After I have fully addressed the basics of risk management, I’ll go more in depth on why the DepartmentRead MoreRisk Management And Homeland Security1309 Words   |  6 PagesRisk Management and Homeland Security The nation’s homeland security is a very multifaceted environment which must be controlled to effective function at its highest potential. â€Å"The safety, security, and resilience of the Nation are threatened by an array of hazards, including acts of terrorism, manmade accidents, and natural disasters† (DHS., 2011). All together, homeland security agencies must manage risks at all levels connected with an array of components. Collectively, these external andRead MoreThe Homeland Security Risk Management1239 Words   |  5 Pages Homeland Security Risk Management Olgera Haywood American Military University Introduction Homeland security in United States comprises of complex and competing requirements, incentives, and interests that need to be managed and balanced effectively to achieve the desired national objectives. Security, resilience and safety of the country are endangered by different hazards such as cyberspace attacks, terrorism, manmade accidents, pandemics, natural disasters and transnationalRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay786 Words   |  4 Pagesdeter and prevent attacks on our homeland and as well as deter and threats from potentially occurring. Following 9/11, the Department of Defense has been entrusted with the role in the management of risks facing the United Sates. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stated that it will apply risk management principles to homeland security operations and has stated â€Å"Ultimately, homeland security is about effectively managing risks to the Nation’s security† (DHS 2010, pg. 2). This is muchRead MoreStrategic Planning, Resource Allocation And Grant Funding1362 Words   |  6 Pagesat some point carries a certain level of risk based on a decision or choice made to meet a specific goal. Things taken for granted such as driving from one point to another or shopping at your local grocery store carry certain risk. The variables that affect the level of risk range from low to extreme. The issue with risk is there never is an absolute number of mitigating solutions that will neutralize risk 100% of the time. If something was essentially risk free, there would be no room for error orRead MoreThe Terrorist Attacks Of The United States1409 Words   |  6 Pagesthreat to any sovereign country in the world including the United States where. There are other threats that influence the comfort and the interests of the residents of the United States in varying measures (Decker, 2001). The Department of Homeland Security is tasked with the protection of the people from any activity that influences their interests and prosperity in the country and elsewhere in the world. Since the 2001 attack that caused a major drawback in the political and social welfare ofRead MoreHomeland Security And Homeland Defense1321 Words   |  6 Pages11, 2001 events, the United States of America gravitated towards a more aggressive approach in its security. The result of the tragic events was the establishment of homeland security. The White House, the federal government and the Congress joined together to establish it. On September 20, 2001, President George W. Bush issued an executive order 13228 to establish an Office of Homeland Security within the White House and assigning the Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Ridge as its Director (BullockRead MoreManaging A Strong Risk Management Program Essay983 Words   |  4 Pagesinevitable. In in order to maintain resilience it is important to establish a strong risk management program. It can be difficult to conceptualize risk management as a program and a framework. It is first important to identify the critical infrastructure and key resources that require risk reduction and the mitigation of consequences. In this essay we will examine how risk management is used by the homeland security enterprise, and how that use benefits such aspects as resource allocation, strategic planning

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